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Have Confidence in Where You Financially Stand With Shabana Nathoo

Shabana Nathoo

Shabana Nathoo is a Wealth Management Advisor at Navigo Wealth Management, an independent, fee-only Registered Investment Advisory (RIA) firm based in Texas. She is a Certified Financial Planner, Certified Digital Asset Advisor, and a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst working with family law attorneys and individuals going through the divorce process. Shabana also teaches at Rice University through the CFP program with over 18 years of experience helping clients achieve their financial planning and investment goals.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Shabana Nathoo explains how Navigo Wealth Management helps people

  • The role of being a CFP, CDFA, and CDAA

  • How Shabana acquire customers going through a divorce

  • The reasons for empowering women through wealth management

  • Tips for creating good relationships with clients

  • AI insights in the financial services industry

In this episode…

Are you confident in where you stand financially? What can you do to prepare for the future?

Shabana Nathoo recommends hiring a wealth management advisor, professionals that will help you understand and reach your financial objectives. She shares her journey of wealth management services tailored to individuals' needs.

In this episode of The Customer Wins, host Rich Walker welcomes Shabana Nathoo, a Wealth Management Advisor at Navigo Wealth Management, to discuss how people can better plan for their futures financially. Shabana explains how Navigo Wealth Management helps people, why she empowers women through wealth management, and how she helps her customers win.

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Episode Transcript:

Intro 0:02

Welcome to The Customer Wins podcast where business leaders discuss their secrets and techniques for helping their customers succeed and in turn grow their business.

Richard Walker 0:16

Hi, I'm Rich Walker, the host of The Customer Wins where I talk to business leaders about how they help their customers win, and how their focus on customer experience leads to growth. Some of our past guests have included Ricky Redtail, Rick Williamson of Redtail, and Alan G of Finlocity. Today I'm speaking with Shabana Nathoo of Navigo Wealth Management. And today's episode is brought to you by Quik! the leader in enterprise forms automation. When the last step to earning your clients business requires filling out paperwork, don't ruin a good relationship with a bad experience. Instead, get Quik Forms make filling out forms a great experience and the easiest part of your transaction, visit to get started. And before I introduce today's guests, I want to give a big thank you to Ryan Metzler of Finlocity because we met Shabana through their conference a few months ago. Go check out and check out all the stellar events that they're hosting. All right now we're really excited to talk to Shabana today, she holds three really important designations certified financial planner, certified divorce financial analyst and certified digital asset advisor. She's also a teacher at Rice University for the CFP and she's on the border of the Houston chapter the FPA. Shabana started her career at a broker-dealer and left her career to support her husband to move to Saudi Arabia for five years, then to come back and have to start all over from scratch. She helps women become more confident and independent when it comes to money. It is not about his or hers, it's about working as a team and a partnership. Holistic planning is Shabana's passion. Shabana, welcome to The Customer Wins.

Shabana Nathoo 1:57

Thank you Rich for having me, I really appreciate it for giving me this opportunity. And from the prior podcast your go-to spot on.

Richard Walker 2:06

That's gonna be a reoccurring theme. All right, so if you're listening to this podcast, for the very first time, I talked with business leaders about what they're doing to help their customers win, how they built, deliver a great customer experience and the challenges to grow their own company Shabana, we want to understand your business a little bit better. How does your company help people?

Shabana Nathoo 2:28

I think that we are small, and we are able to be independent of each other. And we get to pick our own clients and our clients get to pick us. And we're able to be one on one concierge type of service for our clients. I believe that being honest and not selling a product is what I do best is actually talking to clients and getting to know them and their families and one on one and my clients buying homes and helping them through that process. Going with them to their state attorneys. I think that's what I'm able to do more of that type of hand-holding advice.

Richard Walker 3:02

Yeah, that was something I really, really enjoyed as a financial adviser was helping people achieve their goals, realize how to get there and think through those problems. I want to go back to one of these designations you had because I had never heard of certified divorce financial analyst, I actually hadn't heard a certified digital asset advisor. So what does that mean to you and your practice and your clients.

Shabana Nathoo 3:23

So I was in Saudi Arabia for five years. And Saudi Arabia is a very male-dominated culture. So when I moved there, it was definitely a culture shock. And as well, in the United States, when I came back, women are not really in the know of their finances, because their husband usually takes care of everything. So I got what is called a certified divorce financial analyst, I help clients kind of go through that process of inventory of how to split the assets. A lot of lawyers can do it as well. But it's also nice to have someone who's going to help you along the way and understand how your retirement accounts, how the tax benefits have to split those. A lot of attorneys do not understand, hey, you have a pension over here understand there's an ESOP plan or there is qualified stock options and how they work RSUs. So that's what I help with, and I kind of give my expertise there. And that's usually how I build my business through those women and help connect other women with each other as well.

Richard Walker 4:24

So I'm imagining divorce is such a hard topic, right? And then a lot of cases, that's the worst time of somebody's life. I mean, how do you talk about that? How do you say, hey, are you going through a divorce? I want to work with you. I mean.

Shabana Nathoo 4:37

I think it just comes up in conversations with people. I have not been divorced, my partner's gone through a divorce, and had being in a marriage. We're all married, and there's some good times and bad times. And so we just talk about those things. And I tell people what I do and they're like, really, what do you do and then that conversation starts and it's interesting because those people kind of asked me more questions about it. It's usually the people who are actually thinking about it. There is some study that usually women are prepared five years or seven years prior to they actually fulfill their divorce. They're thinking about it, and they want to get divorced, but they don't understand how and it's very taxing on a woman because they don't manage the assets. They're scared. So usually women start researching, and they're very methodical in their process compared to I think males.

Richard Walker 5:26

So us males are like, oh, you're scheming you're thinking planning. But the truth is right, they just don't know. And a lot of people don't know, I wouldn't even say all the men know, either.

Shabana Nathoo 5:39

It's always a surprise. But like I think that you've made up your mind many, many years prior to you actually fulfilling that divorce.

Richard Walker 5:48

Yeah, but you haven't been divorced. So that's not a pain you felt. But was it because Saudi Arabia, you saw that stark contrast of control that made you want to empower women?

Shabana Nathoo 5:58

Yeah, I think that I saw like, when a couple of my clients that I've met, they've gone through divorce and their husband, because I was at an oil and gas company, and we lived in a compound. So when I started, I actually started my clients from there, and I went and did women's seminars, I was very involved group, this woman reached out and she said, I heard your women's group, my husband basically doesn't want to be with me. And she didn't understand the compensation and all the pension and the 401, K's. And I knew all that because I was there. And I actually managed that for my husband and I talked about it, but women usually don't know about all the different benefits that the company has. And she was basically saying that he says, there's no money, and there's no 401k and I just helped her to the process for free, because we're just talking it out. And then she asked, she actually called me during a mediation while I was at the park with my children. And she said, the mediators there and they're like, hey, how do you know there is this type of account? I said, because I was there for five years. I'm a certified financial planner. And I know, she was like, all righty, then. I think just women just don't understand. And they're not part of that process. And just talking to these women, I felt very, I guess, motivated to help them not be left without anything. And a lot of these women are very strong, motivated, and they want to make it on their own, but they deserve what's fair.

Richard Walker 7:26

Yeah. So I'm wondering, because you're not a lawyer, right?

Shabana Nathoo 7:29

No, I wanted to go to law school. But my mentor, he told me don't do it. You're better off just doing what you're doing.

Richard Walker 7:38

So I mean, look, I only watch TV about divorces. My parents divorced when I was four and a half. So I don't know anything about it. But I'm thinking like in the lawyer speak, it's him versus her and they're at each other. And I'm wondering if you bring a level of calmness and peace and like, just factual information to help people make better decisions and calm down the divorce? Is that something that happens?

Shabana Nathoo 8:01

Yeah, I think that people are very emotional when it comes to getting a divorce. Right. And so I kind of take the emotions out of it explaining like, how it would work and the structure and why it's better to go fair, do you want to spend all this money to fight out for these types of things that, okay, it's 3000. Are you gonna spend $10,000 on the attorney to fight this out? Let's be real. If it's meaningful to you, I can go buy it for you on Amazon. Things like that. I've seen people just get upset over things that and drawn out for things that should not be drawn out.

Richard Walker 8:36

Yeah. So this is very interesting, because I think it's very, it's touchy feely, it's nebulous. So I'm wondering, how do you measure whether you're delivering a great experience and having a great outcome for your customers? How do you know if you're actually helping them win?

Shabana Nathoo 8:56

The funny thing is, when you say the customer always wins in a divorce. If you're both unhappy, that means I won and you won, because if someone comes out happy and the other not happy, I would say that someone else actually won in this situation when you both so unhappy and you both hate me, that's great, because you both won.

Richard Walker 9:16

That's like a really good negotiation where nothing was left on the table. Nobody feels like they give up something.

Shabana Nathoo 9:21

Yeah, they're both upset. And so that's how the client wins is when you're unhappy, and he's unhappy you both win.

Richard Walker 9:29

So, your customer satisfaction scores, like negative numbers, and like I'm winning.

Shabana Nathoo 9:35

Usually, like they end up coming. I've had clients, a husband, who has a great relationship with their advisor, and it's a male advisor, they actually come and join me as well. So I think that that's how I know I'm doing well is when they come and they're like, okay, okay, I want you to manage my money, too.

Richard Walker 9:51

Yeah. So look, it's not all about divorce, you're certified financial planner. Right. And we were talking before you were saying you love to work with men. to love their wives. Help me understand that better. I mean, I think all men love their wives.

Shabana Nathoo 10:05

I know you love your wife very much, because I know you wanted to kind of sweep her off and take her away from this awful heat that we have here in Texas. Like you're stuck indoors with the children, you love your wife, you want to do all these great things for her, but maybe she's not involved in the day-to-day financial activities, she doesn't understand your business, right? Because you have many things going for you, you're doing quick firms, you're a financial advisor. And usually professionals like doctors and lawyers are not always the best at doing what's right for them. And their families. So she's busy taking care of the kids and doing all this. So I think people like to have that third party come in and say, I know that if something happens to me, this person is going to take care of my wife, my children, and make sure that they're gonna have their money, not run out, and they're not going to do something stupid with it. And I'm gonna go through the process because again, right divorce, marriage, death, these are all emotional, things that we go through and feelings and to have someone that can be unemotional through an emotional time with you and hold your hand, I think is very important.

Richard Walker 11:15

Yeah, I find it really fascinating with the psychology that people have when it comes to money. And one of my prior guests wrote a book on like, money, you've got this, because there's just so many different viewpoints of it. My wife is the saver in our family, she loves to save. And admits she's not the financial person. I mean, I got a degree in finance, I was a financial advisor. So I understand way more than maybe the average person does. But she's like her go to is just save cash. And to convince her to put cash into investments is so hard.

Shabana Nathoo 11:49

The book The Psychology of Money, I usually give that to a lot of my couples, especially when I have one wife, who's a big spendthrift and one that is a saver. I think there's a lot of emotional baggage or emotional things that come through, like how her parents were. And that really goes down. And I think that understanding like, hey, we have this emergency fund, if this makes you feel comfortable, I have clients who have pretty large amounts in savings, because that makes it but then I'm like, we got this number. So let's try to do something else with this. So you have to be able to balance that feeling of security, because she's also afraid, right? In other words, like, what if something happens to Rich, and I am stuck with these three kids in Texas, and it's brutal heat.

Richard Walker 12:37

Right, right. Do you use any kind of tools to help measure people? I don't know, like, the risk numbers or sentiment analysis, or what kind of tools help you figure this out with your clients.

Shabana Nathoo 12:49

That's what I like doing the structure. I do like working with people I do have an AUM structure is like I don't think you would really get to know people unless you're with them for years. I think that as I get to know them, I feel them out. People say, oh, I don't want to lose my money. And then all of a sudden, they have extreme FOMO. And they want to be in the market. Like, wait, hold on a second. Yeah, you're saying one thing. So I think it's getting to know clients. It's slowly kind of going through that process with them. If you don't go through that process, I don't think you get to know them. Like I've had doctors who are a W2 income. And I've pushed them for the first time I'm like, I think you're gonna end up in private practice. And they're like, how do you know, I hate? Why would I want to do that to myself? And I'm like, because it makes a lot of sense to do that. And they won't see. But three years later, we're still friends, like, my clients, and they're like, how did you know? How did you know? I'm like, I think that he's just been doing it for so long. You're even a financial advisor, financial planner. I think when you've been doing it for like, 15, 20 years, you just know people well enough to kind of feel them out. And I think we just feel those people out. And you just know what kind of motivate them to move to that different level?

Richard Walker 14:02

Yeah, I mean, to be clear, I gave up my license in 2005. So I really didn't practice that long to gain that kind of nuanced understanding of people. So that makes me wonder, how do you really get to know them? Because a lot of financial advisors, they'll do a plan, they'll do discovery, and then they'll say, talk to you in a year, we'll see how the plans go. And how do you create the experience that people want to keep talking to you and keep working with you. So you do get the chance to know them?

Shabana Nathoo 14:27

Because I think that a plan is just a picture. And I believe in working with them through because things change every day. You need advice. So you go out and I had a client call me I'm like, I'm gonna go buy a Tesla right now because I'm gonna get this deduction. And I'm like, wait, hold on a second. You need someone sometimes to help you make some decisions, and maybe they're not with you at all times. This plan is not going to help you make that decision. Yeah. I think that there's a lot of decision and things that you need to make that can affect the plan as well. So that is not what I do. I think there are people out there who are Do It Yourself investors, most of my clients, they're too busy. And they don't have time, and they want someone to help them with their CPAs and their attorneys and make sure that everything is in place. And if something happens, then I can help their spouse make those decisions. Yeah, that's how you get to know them.

Richard Walker 15:20

Right? No, it is. I know, as a client to my own advisor. I don't always react to them. And so yeah, let's have that meeting and talk more.

Shabana Nathoo 15:32

I think that's the hardest. Like, I have a lot of clients who want to talk to me all the time, I have clients who I talk to weekly, I have clients who never want to speak to me because they don't want to know, and so those are all psychology and behavioral finance type of things. And like, why what's going on? Let's figure it out. I said, my thing is, I want to speak to you on a quarterly basis. If you don't want to speak to me in a quarterly basis, maybe we are not the right fit.

Richard Walker 15:55

Ah, that's smart. That's really smart. I find that when you're clear about who you like to work with, how you like to work with them, that you attract the right people to happen for my company, we started saying no, it was really hard to do. And we said, there's only two things we do everything else we're gonna say no to. And then suddenly, our revenue grew by 50% year over year over year, because we were just saying no, and only attracting the right people. So if I were to meet you at a party, how would you talk about yourself? Like, I say, hey, what do you do?

Shabana Nathoo 16:25

I said, I help people build their wealth and achieve their goals, and maybe look at something from out of the box. And it's interesting, because I'll say these type of things, and people are looking at me all crazy. They're like, what do you mean, I was like, I am not just I think money is the easy part. Managing the money is easy part. It's the psychology and the emotional. And just everything in between is the hard part and actually getting to know them and helping. I think people need sometimes I think I need a business coach sometimes. Because I'm always coaching people. And that's why I reached out to you. That's why we met is because you have this dynamic personality. And that's what you love to do, Rich. And I'd like to hear more about that. But I have a client who is smart, motivated, and everything, but she needs to make more money, but she just doesn't know how. And I think some people just need hey, I think you should do this. Here, let me help you. Why don't you start tutoring in the summer? So she started business? She did it. She made all this money. Great. She's like, but that's not what I want. I'm like, okay, would you like to try a new business, I had another client, she was looking to hire someone, I helped them negotiate their deal. And she's working there for the summer to see if she likes it or not. And I think you just have to put people in that path to be able to take advantage. We get blocked sometimes, and we don't know what we're doing. And I think having someone there to help you, that also knows your financial well-being and we can make those type of decisions the right way.

Richard Walker 17:52

I really liked that. So you're more business coach for your clients than financial advisor, because that's kind of like the underlying status quo. What you do is the advisement side the money management, but you said this earlier, you'll start to understand a client's patterns and you see it before they do. I've always wanted an adviser to say Rich, here's how you build wealth. Here's what you should be thinking about at this stage of your life with your kids stage, their life, here are the things that would actually trigger wealth opportunities for you. I tell people all the time, go start a business, literally just have a business, you can create tax preferences for what you want to do.

Shabana Nathoo 18:28

Tax planning, right? So I've already then I'm doing financial planning by telling my client I think you should not do W2 income because you don't have to do contract work. Like well, I'm gonna give up all this stuff. I'm like, but that's what we're doing tax planning together. I already know your money. I already know your income. I'm telling you, this makes a lot of sense for you.

Richard Walker 18:47

Yeah, no, that's super smart. And you said already, you don't like to sell a product. So if it's assets under management, do you have a favorite approach to doing that?

Shabana Nathoo 18:57

So we use traditional and we have an alternative method? A lot of my clients also are entrepreneurs, I come from a community of entrepreneurs, right. So I think a lot of them, they just want some stability, and they want not to lose their money may be right. And so we build certain things for them. But maybe I don't have all their assets because they have their money in real estate or in the convenience stores or hotels. But they always like someone to kind of give them that outside opinion. These are really, really smart people because they're entrepreneurs, but entrepreneurs also need help sometimes. And so I think that you just have to be part of that lifestyle and understand and trust me, there's issues within families, they don't have their estate plan done and if I don't know that and they have a little bit of money with me. So up to my minimums, right, I'm able to do I think, deliver more for them. And that's why I think what I do is such a niche product because it's I only take on what I can take on because it's just me.

Richard Walker 20:00

Yeah, that's smart. I love entrepreneurs too. And I love the community of entrepreneurs. And we have some faults. And it's not the same as saying an employee or somebody who becomes an executive vice president makes a great salary. Because that person typically has a mindset of I'm saving, I'm saving I'm saving every year. But entrepreneurs, we're like, I'm investing and putting into my company. I'm not taking money out. I'm not. I mean, I didn't have a 401k in my company until about four or five years ago. So that meant 15 years running my company with no 401k, no retirement savings.

Shabana Nathoo 20:30

Because you're taking on so much risk, right? You are an entrepreneur, your business is the most your 10 times 20 times that is your baby. Why do you want to go put it in the market? I mean, I'm okay with the market. But I'm saying like you want it something stable, not to lose? How do you kind of bring that to the table, and I try to bring that cash preservation type of investments that, hey, you know what I got you, we're not going to do as great as the market sometimes. But that's because that's what you have here. You have your baby. And if your baby doesn't do well, I have you here, I'm protecting you from yourself.

Richard Walker 21:11

So it's super important. It's such a hard concept, I think, for us entrepreneurs to balance. And I mean, thankfully, I do have the background and finance. So I've always been thinking I got to make sure I build the safety net, which is the long term, how do I get to where I want to be, versus the short term potential of oh, we just got a big customer or a product took off. I'm not trying to sell my company, but a lot of entrepreneurs will have a payday because they sold their company. I loved hearing this guy. He's like, yeah, I went from being worth nothing to being worth, like nine figures overnight. There are eight lawyers, they're all saying yes, yes, yes, yes. Now check your bank account, boom. I'm wealthy is like weird.

Shabana Nathoo 21:52

But is it the dream, like, if you don't know what to do with it, or if it's not protected the right way? If you're not in the right place, and there's so much to go with that as well, like, it's like, psychologically, you've not had anything, you work so hard. And all of a sudden, you have this huge payday. What do you do?

Richard Walker 22:06

Can I tell you something? I thought about this, because I don't necessarily want to sell my company. I love what we're doing. But if somebody said here, I have to buy your company. And it was a stupid, crazy offer. And I had to say, yes, I feel like I'm trading a known asset for an unknown asset. And what am I going to do suddenly become a real estate guy, I know nothing about real estate. Like, I know software. I know this company. I know how to turn the levers and make money with this company.

Shabana Nathoo 22:31

I already know what you'll do. I already know what you'll do. You will wait your two years when your NDA gets over, you're gonna start all over again, right. It's weird, like, when you're in this business, and you get to know all these entrepreneurs, you already know how they think, you'll drive yourself crazy for two years.

Richard Walker 22:51

I know, it's funny, because I'm totally unemployable. I can't work for others. But I don't know that I can sit on the sidelines and be a bomb either. I'm always working on something I love stuff. Let's shift gears a little bit. I want to talk to you about artificial intelligence, because it's one of my favorite topics. You had mentioned before we started this that you're into chatGPT. So I want to hear like couple perspectives because we could spend hours on this. Number one, I want to hear how do you think it's changing how you could deliver customer experience for your customers? And then second, like what tools are you intrigued by? What do you want to do with it? How are you using it?

Shabana Nathoo 23:30

So I use it to generate a lot of my emails that are interesting, because I don't have to spend hours and hours of trying to figure out what's the best way to do my email. So I can just generate that. And then I'm pretty active on Twitter. Now I'm trying to get involved in the conversations, there's so much information out there. Like different posts that I'm not sure how they sound, I'll kind of test it out on chatGPT. A lot of information that's out there, maybe I don't understand there's a lot of other AI technologies that are built out that can do graphs and show you different ways of explaining it to your client. In a state planning they can actually tell you step by step how you want to do it. So there's so much information out there, but is that information, the right information for that person. I think that's huge for people like us, right? Because yes, they're like, oh, I need a whale. I'm like well, does it make sense for you? Maybe your revocable trust I don't know let's talk about if you want to go to probate you don't want to go to probate, but at least you can go out there and actually read definitions and understand you can have your like your ADV but up there there's I think it just going to cut my costs and my controls like I don't have to do as much going out looking for things I can have templates built for many things. I taught my 11-year-old how to use chatGPT and he got in trouble. So I think it is the future. And I think that the new technology out there as we're doing the Zoom call with my company, what the clients they are, they're technology out there that can actually record the conversation put into PowerPoint, put the notes, and that's all compliance. And so whatever I've said is there it written and we can put it on to the cloud.

Richard Walker 25:25

You're saying something that made me think of a fun use of chatGPT that I've done with my boys, which is, I use their names, to create characters and stories and have chatGPT write children's stories for them, where they're the superhero, or they're helping each other or whatever. And today, this morning, I saw another AI that's come out, that will not only write the story, which chatCPT, but generate the images and put it into like a book format. Yeah. So that's amazing from a children's standpoint. So can we use that in financial planning to explain complex things?

Shabana Nathoo 25:57

Sure. Because if then your child can go sell these books, right on the online version, or you can stretch that out or Shopify, guess what, you have your business, and then we can contribute to their IRAs and pay them and I get too excited about all this stuff. It's just so fun.

Richard Walker 26:11

But I'm actually wondering like, could you take the financial planning process that you're trying to help a client through and then create a story for them that chats up to you creates the images and everything to help them see it better? And just customize them? I don't know. Maybe it's far-fetched?

Shabana Nathoo 26:27

No, I think that's yes, I do. Now, I want to go out there and do it right now.

Richard Walker 26:32

I know right? After this call, we'll have to tell you what service that was like.

Shabana Nathoo 26:38

There's so many out there and it just to keep up with them. And that's the full-time job is in itself.

Richard Walker 26:43

Yeah, it's really as well, Shabana. As we start to wrap this up, I have another question for you. But before I ask that question, what is the best way for people to find you and connect with you?

Shabana Nathoo 26:54

So I'm on LinkedIn, I'm on Twitter, my website is My email address is on there.

Richard Walker 27:05

What's your Twitter handle?

Shabana Nathoo 27:06

It's Shabana_Nathoo.

Richard Walker 27:10

Nice. I'm gonna come follow you. All right, so here's my last question, who has had the biggest impact on your leadership style, or how you approach your role in what you do?

Shabana Nathoo 27:21

So I started off with a broker-dealer, we're not going to name names. And I was sitting on a bus with one of the head brokers, and we just had this conversation. And I told him, I really wanted to move up the corporate ladder, and he actually took me on. He helped me through the process, gave me a book, I grew that book, then I had to leave, of course, but he's still part of my life. And I left that company back in 2011. And we still keep in touch and just his way of just doing what's right for the client, being honest and not trying to be s or try to have this facade for a client. I think that's what I've learned from him. And I think that's what I've been doing in my new business.

Richard Walker 28:06

Yeah, I get that from you. I love that. That sense of integrity and just being natural to who you are. And of course, your story of what you've experienced and how you bring it back to other people. I love your story. Shabana.

Shabana Nathoo 28:18

Oh, well, thank you for the opportunity. And I think you're a wonderful person, and you help people in so many ways, and I'm so happy that we were able to connect.

Richard Walker 28:28

Yeah, so hey, I want to say thank you to Shabana Nathoo, the Wealth Management Advisor of Navigo Wealth Management for being on this episode of The Customer Wins. Go check out Shabana's website at And don't forget to check out Quik! at where we take the work out of paperwork. I hope you enjoyed this discussion. Will click the like button, share it with someone and even subscribe to our channel for future episodes of The Customer Wins. Thank you for joining me today Shabana.

Shabana Nathoo 28:56

Thank you for having me.

Outro 28:59

Thanks for listening to The Customer Wins podcast. We'll see you again next time and be sure to click subscribe to get future episodes.


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